Saving Strategies

How to save money in Canada: tips and tricks on money saving by the staff of Million Dollar Journey, one of Canada’s oldest and most detailed Personal Finance blogs.

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How To Save Money

46 Ways to Save Money in Canada

By FT April 16, 2023

Editor’s Note: This article was originally written by FT back in 2017. Due to its popularity, we have asked FT to update it for 2023…

Usd To Cad Foreign Exchange

Norbert’s Gambit – Save Money With USD to CAD Foreign Exchange

By FT October 13, 2022

If you’re looking to save money on foreign exchange, you’re in luck. There is a simple and effective way to convert your CAD to USD…

The Mini-Split Heat Pump Experiment – Will it Save You Money?

By FT February 18, 2019

Way back in 2008, we completed a custom home that we still live in today.  In that same year, I wrote a post about my…

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Cheap International Money Transfer (Cheaper than Wise*)

By Kyle Prevost July 3, 2024

The cost of transferring money internationally to a bank account abroad – or just exchanging one currency for another – is likely to be higher…

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How to Become a Millionaire in Canada

By FT May 28, 2024

Most of us have wondered what it takes to reach millionaire status in Canada. We certainly don’t advise getting involved in any “get rich quick”…

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Best Canadian Bank Account Promotions 2024

By Meg April 16, 2024

At any point in time, there are handfuls of bonus offers and bank account promo offer codes available.  But how do you choose which of…

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Ways to Maximize the Canada Child Benefit (CCB)

By FT March 9, 2024

Most Canadian parents don’t understand how they maximize their Canadian Child Benefit (CCB) and get paid thousands of government dollars every year! We’ve been receiving…

convert cad to usd

The Best Low Cost Ways to Convert CAD to USD

By FT June 19, 2023

Any Canadian who’s traveled to (or ordered something from) the US knows about converting CAD to USD. It’s never fun to watch every dollar of…

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You Need a Budget (YNAB) Canada Review

By Meg June 2, 2023

What is YNAB? YNAB is more than a simple budgeting app. The idea for YNAB all started in 2003 when founder Jesse Mecham developed a…

How To Save Money

46 Ways to Save Money in Canada

By FT April 16, 2023

Editor’s Note: This article was originally written by FT back in 2017. Due to its popularity, we have asked FT to update it for 2023…

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A Frugal Guide to Healthy Living in Canada

By Meg December 18, 2022

If you’re not paying attention, healthy living in Canada can really cost you.  Out-of-pocket healthcare payments make up about 15% of total health spending in…

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How to Invest With Little to No Money

By Lindsey October 22, 2022

If you are like many soon to be investors, you might have an idea of how you would like to invest and grow your wealth.…

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