Canadian Expats

The place for Canadian expats to learn about the best ways to save money and minimize taxes while residing abroad, and how to repatriate your funds back to Canada with minimal fees.

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Real Estate Investing Vs Index Investing

Real Estate Investing vs Index Investing for Canadian Expats

By Kyle Prevost September 27, 2020

In talking to dozens of Canadian expats over the last year, I’ve found four money truths that consistently emerge. Given the consistent pattern of those…

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hsbc expat logo

HSBC Expat Bank Account for Canadians Abroad and Internationals in Canada

By FT July 22, 2024

What is HSBC Expat? HSBC Expat banking is a British-headquartered bank that tailors its services to folks who aren’t living in Canada and seek to…

money transfers in canada

Cheap International Money Transfer (Cheaper than Wise*)

By Kyle Prevost July 3, 2024

The cost of transferring money internationally to a bank account abroad – or just exchanging one currency for another – is likely to be higher…

countries to retire abroad

The Best Countries for Canadians to Retire Abroad

By Kyle Prevost May 11, 2024

A few years ago I never would have considered writing an article about the best countries for a Canadian to retire abroad.   Why would anyone…


Teaching, Saving, and Investing – 5 Takeaways On Our 1-Year Expat-aversary

By Kyle Prevost August 29, 2021

When I wrote about my new adventure becoming a Canadian Expat last year, I was quite surprised at the positive reception MDJ readers gave it. Frankly,…

georgia trip13

Travelling to Tbilisi Georgia: Bougie on a Budget

By Kyle Prevost June 5, 2021

I’ve never been a travel blogger. I’m not well travelled enough to be an authority on how to do it well, or which places are…

Questrade Vs Qtrade

Questrade vs Virtual Brokers: 2024 Broker Showdown

By Jordan April 14, 2021

This Questrade vs Virtual Brokers 2024 comparison is a battle between Canada’s two lowest cost full-service discount brokerages, and a look at two of my…

laptop with cover

Snag Your Free Canadian Expat eBook

By Kyle Prevost March 28, 2021

Want to get paid a tax-free salary while working in a place where you don’t need to own a jacket or winter boots? Here’s the…

Canadian Expats Category

Insurance and Wills for Canadian Expats

By Kyle Prevost February 27, 2021

When I talked to several non-resident tax and investment specialists during my Covid quarantine-induced expat research frenzy, the topic that kept coming up as “the…

Etf Investing Canadian Expats

The Best ETFs for Canadian Expats Around the World

By Kyle Prevost December 13, 2020

When my wife and I decided to move to Qatar, I wanted to check and make sure that my index investing strategies could still be…

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