
Guides and tips for parents who seek financial advice with growing children of all ages. From how to prepare for a newborn to opening a bank account for your teenager – here you'll find all the best ways how to plan ahead financially for the expansion of your family.

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Resp Strategy

RESP in Canada – Rules, Eligibility & Optimal Strategy

By FT May 18, 2024

An RESP, or Registered Education Savings Plan, is a registered tax-deferred investment account designed to help pay for a child’s education.  In other words, RESPs…

Investing On Behalf Of My Kids

Investing on Behalf of my Kids

By FT February 15, 2023

One of the most rewarding things about becoming financially knowledgeable and secure is being able to pass that knowledge on to your own children. When…

kids bank accounts canada

Canadian Bank Accounts for Kids

By Kathryn September 27, 2022

If you are a parent reading this blog, you already know that teaching your children about financial literacy is one of the best ways to…

Should Spouse Stay at Home with Kids OR Work?

By FT June 27, 2007

I got a common young couple question from Fab (Cashflow 101 charity sponsor) a little while back about whether it’s better financially for his wife…

Most Recent

Resp Strategy

RESP in Canada – Rules, Eligibility & Optimal Strategy

By FT May 18, 2024

An RESP, or Registered Education Savings Plan, is a registered tax-deferred investment account designed to help pay for a child’s education.  In other words, RESPs…

maximize child benefits

Ways to Maximize the Canada Child Benefit (CCB)

By FT March 9, 2024

Most Canadian parents don’t understand how they maximize their Canadian Child Benefit (CCB) and get paid thousands of government dollars every year! We’ve been receiving…

Investing On Behalf Of My Kids

Investing on Behalf of my Kids

By FT February 15, 2023

One of the most rewarding things about becoming financially knowledgeable and secure is being able to pass that knowledge on to your own children. When…

kids bank accounts canada

Canadian Bank Accounts for Kids

By Kathryn September 27, 2022

If you are a parent reading this blog, you already know that teaching your children about financial literacy is one of the best ways to…

student credit card canada

Best Canadian Student Credit Cards For 2024

By Meg July 14, 2021

I’m going to be brutally honest: when I was a student, I didn’t read a single article about the best student credit cards in Canada.…

buying real estate

Buying a House in Canada – Why I Can’t Wait To NOT Be a Homeowner

By Kyle Prevost July 10, 2021

By the end of the summer I will no longer be a homeowner. In many countries that statement would be a simple matter of personal…

Canadian Expats Category

Insurance and Wills for Canadian Expats

By Kyle Prevost February 27, 2021

When I talked to several non-resident tax and investment specialists during my Covid quarantine-induced expat research frenzy, the topic that kept coming up as “the…

Indexed Family Resp Portfolio Update

Indexed Family Education Fund (RESP) Portfolio Update – 2021 Edition

By FT February 7, 2021

Welcome to the annual Registered Education Saving Plan (RESP) update where I show transparency on our indexed investment strategy to help pay for our children’s…

Financial Strategies for the New Stay at Home Parent

By FT May 2, 2011

With most households these days generating income from both spouses, it can be a challenge to switch to the single income when the need arises.  Such…

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