Helping Canadians with Personal Finance Since 2006

Learn how to save money, build an investment portfolio, and become financially independent - from a middle-class Canadian who has actually done it!

As Featured On

hsbc expat logo

HSBC Expat Bank Account for Canadians Abroad and Internationals in Canada

By FT July 22, 2024

What is HSBC Expat? HSBC Expat banking is a British-headquartered bank that tailors its services to folks who aren’t living in Canada and seek to…

eq notice account logo

EQ Bank vs Neo Financial

By FT July 20, 2024

EQ Bank continues to hold its place as our top rated online bank in Canada, but have you ever heard of Neo Financial? In the…

free stock trading

Free Stock Trading in Canada 2024

By Hannah July 18, 2024

The best free stock trading apps in Canada can help you cut fees to the bone, and DIY invest yourself to a substantial nest egg.…

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VEQT ETF 2024 Review

By FT July 14, 2024

As one of the Best ETFs in Canada, it made sense to take a deeper dive into one of my favourites with an in-depth VEQT…

Dividend Kings List

Canadian Dividend Kings & Aristocrats – July 2024

By FT July 11, 2024

Investing in Canadian Dividend Kings (often called Dividend Aristocrats) is always a popular strategy when high-flying assets get pulled back down to Earth. I bet…

investing retail stocks

Investing in Canadian Retail Stocks 2024

By Dale Roberts July 7, 2024

It is no secret that the Canadian stock market is not very well diversified by sector. Canada is largely financial, energy and materials, with all…

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Cheap International Money Transfer (Cheaper than Wise*)

By Kyle Prevost July 3, 2024

The cost of transferring money internationally to a bank account abroad – or just exchanging one currency for another – is likely to be higher…

eq vs wealthsimple cash

EQ Bank vs Wealthsimple Cash

By FT June 29, 2024

We throw the name EQ Bank around here quite frequently as it is our top rated online bank in Canada. And most people have heard…

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Stocktrades ETF Insights Review

By FT June 22, 2024

What Is Stocktrades ETF Insights? ETF Insights is a platform that wants to help you cut through the noise, and select the best ETF for…

About Us

Thanks for Stopping By...

If you’re new around here, I go by Frugal Trader and I started this site back in 2006 to set goals for myself and track my learning progress. Over the last fourteen years, I’ve publicly shared my path to financial freedom, from what discount brokerages and high interest savings accounts I use, to the unique ways I’ve found to save money.

The Million Dollar Journey team is proud to now include writers from all across Canada, representing a diverse array of backgrounds and unique points of view.

If you want to learn more about me and my team, check out our About Page. If you want to learn more about Canadian money stuff like RRSPs, TFSAs, and daily savings tips, start with our Financial Freedom 101 section. Finally, if you want to receive the free eBook I recently wrote about how to organize your Canadian life and portfolio for retirement at any age, just click here to get an instant download.


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Community is everything.

Million Dollar began back in 2006, and boasts nearly 50,000 comments. Benefit from their collective wisdom and read what our community has to say about Canadian finance in 2024.

We’ve got a ton of information here , and after helping thousands of Canadians get started over the years, I know the information overload can be a bit intimidating.

Every journey begins with just a small step! If you are unsure where to start, check out these index investing strategies or Canadian dividends guide, two of my most useful money making methods over the years. Or read my net worth updates to see  exactly what I did to reach the million dollar mark.

Be good with your money and thanks for being a part of the MDJ Community. Don’t forget to sign up below so that you’ll get our “Monday Morning Coffee” email that will fill you in on the writing we have done that week.

- FT and the Million Dollar Journey Crew