Don’t Miss the 2022 Canadian Financial Summit

It’s that time of the year… the kids are back in their school routine, the world is somewhat back to normal, and for MDJ’s Kyle Prevost – it’s back to the Canadian Financial Summit.

Kyle asked me to write something this week as he’s pretty busy putting the final touches on interviews, emails, etc.

Click here for free registration to the 2022 Canadian Financial Summit – taking place this week from October 12-15!

For those who aren’t familiar, the Canadian Financial Summit is Canada’s largest personal finance and investing conference.  It’s completely virtual, and the organizers make it super easy to check out the sessions.  Just head to the homepage, register, and then open your email each day to get the link to that day’s sessions.

Simply click here to check out the 35+ Canadian experts who will be sharing the virtual stage.

I’m proud to say that MDJ’s own Kyle Prevost is co-hosting the event alongside MDJ writers Kornel Szrejber and Dale Roberts – so I can speak firsthand to the quality of the product!

One thing I always appreciate about this Summit each fall is that it is produced by Canadians – for Canadians.  Too much of the money-related content we see is American-based in nature – but you won’t have to translate any talk about 401Ks or American private health insurance at this event!

Here’s some of the highlights from this year’s Summit Sessions.

  • How to plan your own retirement at any age
  • How to save money on taxes by optimizing your RRSP to RRIF transition
  • What cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin actually are – and if you should be investing in them
  • How to maximize your Canadian Child Benefit (CCB)
  • How to efficiently transition your investing nest egg to a steady stream of retirement income
  • What Canadian real estate investments looks like in 2022
  • How to deal with inflation on your bills and in your investment portfolio
  • How to avoid crippling fees and terrible advice
  • When to take your OAS and CPP
  • How to buy your own pension – income for life!
  • Why Canadian dividend stocks might be the right fit for you
  • How to use your housing equity to maximize your retirement lifestyle

Together, the roster of All Star Speakers have authored more than 100 personal finance books, hosted 1,000+ podcast episodes, written 20,000+ blog posts and newspaper columns, and have been featured in thousands of media articles and interviews from every news and financial publication in Canada.  

Needless to say – you will not find this elite group in one place anywhere else!

How to Check Out The Canadian Financial Summit

In order to “reserve your tickets” and make sure that you will get your Summit Launch email, simply click here for the instant pass, sign up, and they’ll email them over right away.

When the Summit starts, you’ll be sent an email each day with the link to the sessions that go LIVE for the next 48 hours.

That’s it. There’s no paperwork. No need to put in payment information that you have to cancel later. No worries.

No Need for a Government App or to Wait In Line

The Summit will kick off with a webinar on October 12th and is absolutely free to view for that weekend.

If you want to check out the videos after their free window has passed (and get access to a whole smorgasbord of bonus resources and video sessions) then you’ll want to sign up for the All Access Pass. Don’t miss out on the Early Bird Pricing, as the price jumps up as the Summit begins. 

How Do I Sign Up?

Just click here for the all access pass and sign up and we’ll get you squared away.



P.S. Kyle wanted me to pass along a big thanks to all of you who have shared this event with your friends and family since it started back in 2016! Thanks for helping get the word out on this unique opportunity to see so much excellent, 100% Canadian, financial content all in one place.

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FT is the founder and editor of Million Dollar Journey (est. 2006). Through various financial strategies outlined on this site, he grew his net worth from $200,000 in 2006 to $1,000,000 by 2014. You can read more about him here.
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