Nov 2007 Net Worth Update (+0.52%)

It’s time again for the monthly net worth update – The November 2007 edition.

October was a great month for the markets, but November has been terrible.  This recent drop has taken a bite out of my registered/non-registered accounts.  Thank goodness for our bigger savings these couple months as they have offset most of the market losses.  I usually don't get too concerned over dips in the market as I'm in it for the long haul. 

Assets: $377,100 (+0.40%)

  • Cash: $4,500 (+0.00%)
  • Savings: $112,500 (+5.73%)
  • Registered Investment: $47,700 (-7.20%)
  • Pension: $21,100 (+1.93%)
  • Non-Registered Investment Account: $45,000 (-2.81%)
  • Real Estate: $ 124,500 (investment property) (0.00%)
  • New Home Deposit: $5000 (+0.00%)
  • Vehicles: $16,800 (2 vehicles) (-0.00%)

Liabilities: $104,100 (.90%)

  • Mortgage Debt(investment property): $94,700 (-0.21%)
  • Insurance: $1,500 (+25.00%)
  • Other Liabilities: $8,000 (-0.00%)

Total Net Worth: ~$ 272,900 (+0.52%)

Started 2007 with Net Worth: $224,000

Year to Date Gain/Loss: +21.83%

One more month to go to see how 2007 went in terms of net worth increases.  I'm hoping that it will be close to 25% when it's all said and done. 

Did the November market tumble affect your portfolios as much as it affected mine?  Perhaps I should have a small bear hedge in my portfolio for such months as these.  Anyone use the bear ETF HXD? 

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FT is the founder and editor of Million Dollar Journey (est. 2006). Through various financial strategies outlined on this site, he grew his net worth from $200,000 in 2006 to $1,000,000 by 2014. You can read more about him here.
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My Dollar Plan
16 years ago

Nice to see someone up for the month!

Jeff English
16 years ago

Dude, no offense, I don’t mind you dogding, but serioulsy, answer one of the questions.

16 years ago

I agree with people’s comments here about insurance.

You look like you are making great progress 22% on a net worth of that size is pretty good for YTD.

I agree with Canadian Dollars’ comments regarding his point against a bear hedge.

Jeff English
16 years ago

Another thing I have seen pop up here on a couple of different comment sections is that a 1 year variable mortgage does better then (for example) a five year fixed. I think it was an Ed guy who made that claim. Anyways, have these studies been posted anywhere on this blog? And if they were – did they take into account the legal costs of re-registering the mortgage on a yearly basis? Which, I am speculating would cut substantially into any savings on the interest…….

Thanks, and again, great blog.

Jeff English
16 years ago

I got linked into this website through a google search for the Smith manoeuvre and I am intrigued by your quest and have spent the last hour pouring through it. Great blog – unfortunately – I didn’t know where to post this as I haven’t figured out how to navigate the blog completely.

Anyways, my question is simply this – is your quest for a million dollars for yourself or for you and your wife, because theoretically – you only own half of the assets. So should the Million Dollar Journey be more of a Journey for two – or is it really a Two Million Dollar journey?

Also – I’m not clear on the insurance issue either. If you’re paying it on a month to month or year to year basis – it is not really a liability in my opinion. A LOC would be a liability or credit card balances would be one as well – but if what I think you are saying is correct – then you should be putting your costs for groceries, heat, electricity, cable (all your regular bills) in as liabilities as well – which defeats the whole purpose of monthly balance sheet.

16 years ago

I still don’t understand the reason why you put insurance in liabilities. But if you liquidated everything tomorrow, would you have to pay the insurance? Probably not since it’s paid up front for the year. In that case, it’s not really a liability. I guess it’s just semantics. Meloche Monnex doesn’t charge to split up the payment to monthly, so that’s what I do.

I have used the HXD bear fund a couple times. Once it worked, once it did not. I think it’s best for shorter term trades.

16 years ago

Why do you include insurance in your liabilities? Is this your annual cost?

Canadian Dollars
16 years ago

I considered using a Bear hedge, but decided against it for one main reason: I’m in it for the long haul as well and I don’t believe in investing in temporary hedges without definitely knowing which direction the stock market is moving. If I knew 100% (impossible I know) that November would be a lousy month, I would just sell every single holding and buy a Bear hedge. But honestly, nobody knows.
I’ll do a future post on this topic some time

check my blog for more details in the future

Plan Your Escape
16 years ago

Yeah, I know I’m in it for the long run too but I can’t help feeling a ‘tad’ frustrated seeing the market value of my portfolio drop so much. I guess we’d all be millionaires if the markets always went up though! Good luck hitting your 25% in December!
