Best Strategies to Hedge Against Stock Market Downfall

stock hedging

Having a stock hedging strategy is like having insurance… sort of. In general, it’s good to have a way to minimize damage when things go wrong.  In a best-case scenario, that’s what hedging against stock market crashes does. The Risks And Downsides of Hedging Strategies When formulating a hedging strategy, it is good to clarify…

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Investing In Collectibles as An Alternative Asset Class

investing in cards

While Bitcoin and Gamestop have grabbed all of the investing headlines in 2021, investing in various collectibles such as hockey cards, stamps, art, coins, and even Pokemon cards has also been quite profitable. Even large institutional investors have been getting in on the action. With so much “cheap money” floating around, and banks being so willing to…

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Financial Freedom Update (Q2) 2021 – Portfolio All-Time High Edition

Resp Portfolio Update 2013

Welcome to the Million Dollar Journey 2021 (Q2) Financial Freedom Update – the first update of the year!  If you would like to follow my whole financial journey, you can get my updates sent directly to your email, via Twitter and/or Facebook. For those of you new here, since achieving $1M in net worth in June 2014 (age 35), I have shifted my…

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